The Blue Flowers, Hydrangea can Change the Color

Hydrangea (Hydrangea) is called "Ajisai" in Japanese. There are many types of hydrangeas, but the most popular species is Hydrangea macrophylla. This species has two subspecies of the most common type found, the mophead hydrangea and hydrangea lacecap as shown in the photo. 

Hydrangea tree is a shrub, and is often planted on the fence or yard. The unique is the color of hydrangea flowers that can change between blue and pink purple red or pale cream depending on the pH (acidity) of land. A slightly acidic soil produces blue flowers, which is slightly alkaline produce pink or purple, and neutral soil produces pale cream color.

the blue flowers hydrangea

Blue flowers iris

flora in the world, Iris is the name for a kind of beautiful flowers that bloom spring season and as a representation of the people who were born in February. Interest is possessed of many colors, but the most famous and accomplished public is blue iris, blue petals and yellow are dikelopak middle, possibly because of the colorful why this is called the iris

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