Birth Month Flowers Symbols

What is your birth month? What is flower which fits with your birth month? Each month has a flower that became its symbol.

Here is a flower that symbolizes the month of birth.

Carnation is the symbol of the birth in January.

Carnation is the flower for the first month. Originally from Asia and has been cultivated for more than 2000 years, today's the flower whic is often used as a winter birth was performed with a colorful variety. This flower has a meaning of pride, beauty, awe and a sense of depth.

Iris is the symbol of the birth in February

Iris is a flower with petals facing upwards, symbolizing faith and wisdom. With purple and slender stem, this February birth flower has a story originated from Ancient Greece. when Iris (the messenger of the gods) and personification of the rainbow (In Greece Iris means rainbow), acts as a connector between earth and heaven.

Daffodil is a symbol of the birth of March

When the bright yellow daffodils burst from the ground in winter, he looked like an old friend who has been waiting to go home; Daffodil is desired birth flower everyone. Symbolizing rebirth and new beginnings, particularly when presented in the form of a bouquet with the amount of flowers, daffodils promise happiness and joy.

Daisy is a symbol of the birth in April

According to legend, daisy originated from a nymph who turns into a graceful wild flower but not charming in order not to attract attention. Featuring the fun of childhood, this April birth flower captures the surge of excitement and fortune spring, young soul forever.

Lily is the symbol of the birth in May

Lily was so revered by the ancient Greeks and believed that they sprouted from the milk of Hera, queen of the gods. It has long been associated with the Virgin Mary, White Lily symbolizes wisdom, while the lily that grows in the valleys reflects the softness and friendliness. In the language of flowers, this May birth flower expresses purity of heart, greatness and awards.

Rose is a symbol of the birth month of June

Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love, presented roses to Eros, and Cleopatra Mark Antony to provide room for the rose-filled knee-deep. Each color and the number of stems has own meaning and messages, reflect this June birth flower signifies beauty and perfection.

Delphinium is a symbol of the birth in July

The flowers shape such as dolphin, delphinium symbolizes an open heart and attachment. Also reflects the feeling of carefree, summer birth flower reveals a distinctive natural beauty.

Gladiolus is a symbol of the birth of August

Gladiola, the birth flowers in August, reflecting the strength and moral integrity - not surprising since this flower name comes from the Latin word for sword, "gladius". However, although the trunk is reminiscent of the gladiators of Rome, a romantic interest can conquer hearts with her beauty.

Aster is a symbol of birth in September

With a lush texture, rich color and beauty of the wild flowers. So this is the reason why asters have had a long association with magical powers. It was believed in ancient, that when aster leaves were burned, their perfume could drive away evil. Currently, this autumn birth flower is known as a talisman of love and an enduring symbol of elegance.

Marigold is a symbol of birth in October

With shades of rich spring, marigolds are the quintessential October birth flower. it was called marigolds as Mary's Gold by early Christians, Gold Virgin Mary, and place it next to the statue of the Virgin Mary. Rich colors and brilliant, marigolds signify affection and warmth.

Chrysanthemum is a symbol of the birth of November

Chrysanthemum, symbol of sun, noble positions in ancient cultures. The Japanese consider of their unfolding petals to represent perfection, and Confucius suggested they were used as an object of meditation. Reflecting the optimism and excitement, it is said that a single petal of this  birth flower, which placed at the bottom of a wine glass will encourage a long and healthy life.

Poinsettia is a symbol of birth in December

Also known as the Christmas flower, according to the legend, the beginning was wild flowers. When a little girl -no mean anything- wild flowers laid at the altar of the church, this flower turned into a charming red florets. Reflects joy and merriment, this December birth flower is a marker of a joyful celebration in December.

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