Jasmine Flower, Purity Symbol

Jasmine is a collection of shrubs, which are grouped in gebus Jasminum. Fragrantflowers are a symbol of chastity and purity of more than 200-'s kind of scattered all over the world. Some of them have been cultivated species of human.

Jasmine is a herbaceous plant, erect trunked creeping, chronic and life. The leaves are green, rounded shape. The flowers are small, mostly white, fragrantflowers with a layer or stack crown.

Plants with fragrant aroma and a symbol of purity comes from South Asia andspread all over the world including in Indonesia. Each species has differenthabitat, but in general jasmine like a tropical habitat in the lowlands up to an altitude of 1,600 meters above sea level.

The color is pure white and inconspicuous, this flower symbolizes purity andbeauty of mind. Jasmine flower fragrance is delicate issue and not poke your nosegives the impression of meaning and soft, comfortable, and quiet. In addition, this plant can grow easily without the need for complex treatment and bloom throughout the year.

Jasmine has an interest benefits from the sow, the manufacture of perfumes,cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, flowers, tea mixture to a medicinal plant.

In addition jasmine too often become a complementary tool traditions found invarious regions in Indonesia such as the marriage ceremony.

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